Quality services at Hotel Mainake Costa del Sol!
Hotel Mainake Costa del Sol has all the services needed to have a stay full of comfort. At the hall you will find the lifts and the reception desk, open 24 hours, with qualified staff who will be pleased to help you with anything you need.
In the facilities you will also find a bar-cafeteria open from 8:15h throughout the week. Breakfast service: (Monday to Saturday from 7:30 am to 10:30 am and Sundays from 8:00 am to 11:00 am).
In addition, you can leave your vehicle in the covered car park (with extra charge) we have at your disposal.
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It has panelled conference rooms with capacity for up to 240 people.
Organize your meetings with us!
It has panelled conference rooms with capacity for up to 240 people.
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